Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Down To Business

Senior Research Projects are coming to a close, and papers and presentations are off to a good start. Last week, I talked about beginning work on my paper. I've been creating a thesis. So far, my thesis is "The environment changes the experience of the bionic's user and the compatibility with the biological part. Bacterial growth plays an intricate role in understanding these environment's effect on prosthetic usage." I'm looking to connect early prosthetic technology such as Hanger's prostheses to the Civil War and reasons for amputation. My research for my paper consists of reading Civil War documents about amputations and looking at primary documents such a photos of soldiers with these artificial devices. In my readings, I came across some photos of men whose eyes had been injured from exploding gun caps. Pictured are some of these men.

As far as my research goes at the University of Arizona, I am drawing some conclusions and analyzing graphs. Also, I've become quite good with gnuplot.  Lastly, Senior Research Presentation dates have been set. If you are interested in attending, mine will be the morning of May 9, further information to follow. Stay Tuned!

Eye Injuries and Prosthetic Restoration in the American Civil War Years

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